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Professor Wyrd's World of Wonders

Miracles and Monsters

Written and Illustrated by Jason J. McCuiston

In a world where monsters still haunt the shadows,
Professor Phineas Wyrd is in the business of Miracles.

Only available at conventions,
Terror Trader, and via this website!
This book is appropriate for teenagers.
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In a world where monsters still haunt the shadows,

Professor Phineas Wyrd is in the business of Miracles.

Not only is Professor Wyrd's World of Wonders a collection of some of the most amazing performers the nineteenth century has ever seen, it is also home to unique individuals empowered by the Almighty to battle the minions of

the Evil One.


From a legendary gunfighter that never misses to a Hungarian mystic linked to every living mind on Earth;

from a Russian knife-thrower who can bend the flow of time to a blind preacher who can see demons in their true forms,

the World of Wonders boasts a menagerie of Godly heroes.


Join the adventures as Professor Wyrd leads his team of Miracles across the American wilderness and into its burgeoning metropolises in search of the evil, the corrupt,

and the creature that still go bump in the night.

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About the Author

Jason J. McCuiston was born in the wilds of Tennessee, where he was raised on a carnivorous diet of old monster movies, westerns, comic books, horror magazines, sci-fi and fantasy novels, and, of course, Dungeons & Dragons. He attended the finest state school that would have him with the intention of becoming a comic book artist. This did not pan out, so following his matriculation and a brief and unprofitable stint as an illustrator of tabletop RPGs, he embarked upon a whirlwind tour of spectacularly underpaid and uninspired careers. Half a lifetime later, he came to his senses, realizing he was meant to be a professional storyteller.

Publishing his first story about zombies, kung fu, and family ties in Parsec Ink's 2017 Triangulation: Appetites anthology, McCuiston has been a semi-finalist in the Writers of the Future contest, and he has studied under the tutelage of bestselling author Philip Athans. His stories of fantasy, horror, and science fiction have appeared in numerous anthologies, periodicals, websites, and podcasts, notably Dark Owl Publishing's Something Wicked This Way Rides anthology, StoryHack Action & Adventure magazine, and Black Infinity magazine.

Project Notebook, his first novel, was published in summer of 2020 to critical acclaim. He has since released two volumes of pulp sci-fi adventures and a series of online short stories with Dark Owl Publishing featuring his signature hero, the Last Star Warden. Dark Owl has also published The Brotherhood of Secret Darkness: Cults, Cabals, and Conspiracies, another horror/sci-fi/dark fantasy collection of stories. You can find all of these and most of his other publications on his Amazon page.

McCuiston lives in South Carolina, USA with his college professor wife and their two four-legged girls, Winky and Tonks. Connect with him on X @JasonJMcCuiston.

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Praise for Jason J. McCuiston

"A rare and refreshing level of pure, pulpy fun. Jason McCuiston’s excellent book of adventures reads like a time warp back to boyhood Saturdays when classic Science Fiction played all afternoon on UHF. A fantastic experience!"

~ Gregory L. Norris, author of the Gerry Anderson’s Into Infinity novels

"Jason J. McCuiston didn’t just take sword-and-planet space-fantasy, half a dozen other sub-genres of science fiction, the classic Western, superhero comics, the long tradition of pulp adventure stories, and real world concerns and throw them in a blender, he carefully deconstructed them and reassembled them into something as fresh as it is exciting. He did it. He made science fiction fun again!"
~ Philip Athans, author of Writing Monsters
and The Best of Fantasy Authors Handbook

"McCuiston delivers big with plenty of imagination and thrills. He plays homage to a western classic formula while injecting enough delightful alien weirdness to justify the intergalactic setting."
~ Bryce Beattie, editor of StoryHack Action & Adventure and author of Swordcrossed Frostbite

"Intrigue and suspense are woven into the action and revolve around the classic hero… Fans of throwback sci-fi and Star Trek will love it."
~ R.M. Schultz, author of The Forgotten Sky

"[Jason McCuiston’s work] is retro sci-fi at its best. A sense of wonder permeates McCuiston’s novel and makes readers long for the… next perilous mission."
~ Vonnie Winslow Crist, award-winning author of Dragon Rain, Murder on Marawa Prime,

and Shivers, Scares, and Goosebumps

From 5-star Amazon reviews...


"While the fast-paced story contains plenty of thrills and danger, it also has a lot of unexpected depth as the narrator… deals with past trauma and current family challenges. The threads of mystery, danger and personal choices are woven ever more tightly until they resolve in an unexpectedly sober and bittersweet conclusion. Recommended."
~ S. Williams

"I'm pretty sure the author, Jason J. McCuiston, spent no portion of his life in the late 1940s or even early 1950s, yet he’s written a novel set convincingly in that era. The language, songs, brand names, and other references seemed authentic to me, without any apparent anachronisms."
~ S. R. Southard

"I found this book to be just what I expect from the author—page-turning action, enjoyable characters, and a fun read. McCuiston's books never disappoint!"
~ Kimberly

"The author really draws you in to the characters' lives and you want to know what happens with them."
~ Nurse Carolyn

"Reminds me of why I love to read. [Plus] love the commentary about gray morality… A good level of escapism as always [plus] has faction disputes that are tailored to the setting. Bronze aged heroics on page. Lets me escape the 24/7/365 news cycle."
~ FiannaWolf

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