The Brotherhood of Secret Darkness
and Other Cults, Cabals, and Conspiracies
Written and Illustrated by Jason J. McCuiston
Confront some of the best-known conspiracy theories and urban legends of our time... and even discover some new ones.
"5 stars out of 5."
~ John Watson, Horror Book R&R
For paperback, Kindle, and Kindle Unlimited
This book is appropriate for teenagers.

In this collection of thirteen illustrated tales, two-fisted heroes - and those of the everyman variety - confront some of the best-known conspiracy theories and urban legends of our time, stumble upon less familiar myths, and even discover a few new ones.
Satanic cults, witches, aliens, pagan gods, ancient monsters, serial killers, and global conspiracies fill the pages of this volume of dark fantasy, horror, and intrigue. The deepest, darkest recesses of the pop-culture zeitgeist are brought to lurid life in these thrilling tales of pulp-style adventure and esoteric mystery.
Read them and see your world with new eyes.
Read them and see behind the curtain.
Read them and form your own theories.
The Brotherhood of Secret Darkness and Other Cults, Cabals, and Conspiracies reveals that it is all connected.
An excellent interview with Jason about his book, writing, and the media of today from the IronAge Marketing Podcast.
About the Author
Jason J. McCuiston was born in the wilds of Tennessee, where he was raised on a carnivorous diet of old monster movies, westerns, comic books, horror magazines, sci-fi and fantasy novels, and, of course, Dungeons & Dragons. He attended the finest state school that would have him with the intention of becoming a comic book artist. This did not pan out, so following his matriculation and a brief and unprofitable stint as an illustrator of tabletop RPGs, he embarked upon a whirlwind tour of spectacularly underpaid and uninspired careers. Half a lifetime later, he came to his senses, realizing he was meant to be a professional storyteller.
Publishing his first story about zombies, kung fu, and family ties in Parsec Ink's 2017 Triangulation: Appetites anthology, McCuiston has been a semi-finalist in the Writers of the Future contest, and he has studied under the tutelage of bestselling author Philip Athans. His stories of fantasy, horror, and science fiction have appeared in numerous anthologies, periodicals, websites, and podcasts, notably Dark Owl Publishing's Something Wicked This Way Rides anthology, StoryHack Action & Adventure magazine, and Black Infinity magazine.
Project Notebook, his first novel, was published in summer of 2020 to critical acclaim. He has since released a series of pulp sci-fi adventure stories with Dark Owl Publishing featuring his signature hero, the Last Star Warden. You can find all of these and most of his other publications on his Amazon page.
McCuiston lives in South Carolina, USA with his college professor wife and their two four-legged girls, Winky and Tonks. Connect with him on Twitter @JasonJMcCuiston.
Praise for The Brotherhood of Secret Darkness
"When you read a short story collection, you expect there to be a couple of tales that are little more than filler, but that is not the case with The Brotherhood of Secret Darkness. Each of the 13 stories contained within are excellent in their own right, coming together to make an outstanding collection that is a must read.
"In fact, there are a few of these stories that are begging to be expanded upon and turned into novels or even series. I would particularly love to see more from Professor Wyrd and his team, who appear in the titular short story.
"This is an author at the top of his game and one that I cannot wait to see more from.
5 stars out of 5."
~ John Watson, Horror Book R&R