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The Horror & Thriller Shelf

Welcome to Dark Owl's Horror and Thriller section! We provide quality storytelling that touches on a bit of everything when it comes to horrors and thrillers: psychological, gothic, cosmic, new weird, dark, speculative, contemporary, classic style, and even grindhouse.

All of Dark Owl's horror and thriller books are on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. In addition, our horror and thriller books are always available at horror conventions (see Our Schedule) and at Terror Trader in Chandler, Arizona!


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The Potion and Other Perilous Libations

by Matias Travieso-Diaz

Further stories of dark imaginings from around the world and throughout time.


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Vanther the Vanquisher: Bloodquest

by Scott Harper

A novella featuring Vanther the Vanquisher and the Vampiric Undead in the Hyborian Age and other horrifying vampire stories.

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Of Dark Places

by Gustavo Bondoni

Short horror stories buried within ominous locales.

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Professor Wyrd's World of Wonders

Miracles and Monsters

written and illustrated by Jason M. McCuiston

In a world where monsters still haunt the shadows, Professor Phineas Wyrd is in the business of miracles.

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The Gothic Stories of Ste. Odile

imagined and written by John S. McFarland

Two novels and two collections of harrowing stories involving the historical fiction of this turn-of-the-century town.

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The Art of Ghost Writing

by Alistair Rey

We inhabit a world of diminishing returns, and truthfully... we're not here.

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The Brotherhood of Secret Darkness

and Other Cults, Cabals, and Conspiracies

written and illustrated by Jason J. McCuiston

Explore famous conspiracy theories and urban legends... and come across some new ones.

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The Nightmare Cycle

by Lawrence Dagstine

These nightmares will cycle on long after

you finish reading.

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The Satchel and Other Terrors

by Matias Travieso-Diaz

Stories of dark imaginings.

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Tales from New Pangea

by Kevin M. Folliard

Welcome to New Pangea, where you are the invasive species.

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Welcome to Scar Ridge

by Jonathon Mast

"You have arrived. I have awaited you. You owe me rent."

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Bad Dreams and Reflections

by Trevor Kennedy

"Together we must read your book..."


Carnivore Keepers

by Kevin M. Folliard

A sci-fi adventure where humans and dinosaurs collide.

No Lesser Angels No Greater Devils

No Lesser Angels, No Greater Devils

by Laura J. Campbell

A beautiful and haunting story collection.

Something Wicked This Way Rides

Something Wicked This Way Rides

An anthology of weird western tales

A variety of authors bring us genre fiction set in the background of the North American Old West.

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The Tension of a Coming Storm

by Adrian Ludens

Horror and terror within a dark mass of short stories.


The Wicked Twisted Road

by D.S. Hamilton

A gritty, grindhouse science fiction thriller.


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