The Last Star Warden Series
Written and Illustrated by
Jason J. McCuiston
Sci-fi pulp at it's finest!
For paperback, Kindle, and Kindle Unlimited
These books are appropriate for ages 12 and up.
A new epic emerges with
The Last Star Warden:
The Crimson Star Saga Episodes
The Last Star Warden and his intrepid alien companion Quantum are constantly battle crime and injustice on strange worlds across the Galactic Frontier. From starship battles to corporate disasters, from rescuing imperiled colonies to battling alien conquerors, these stalwart heroes traverse across the stars to solve mysteries, vanquish evil, and protect the good of the galaxy.
You'll love these sci-fi pulpy yarns written and illustrated by McCuiston. They're just the ticket for those who enjoy episodic and anthology-type stories full of epic adventure.
Click above for the episodes!

Join the action-packed adventure with
The Phantom World:
A Last Star Warden Adventure
The Last Star Warden and his alien friend Quantum follow up on reports concerning a haunted mining operation on the planet of Aegis Four. What starts as a simple inquest into a dubious yet potentially dangerous situation leads to our heroes uncovering an interdimensional disaster that could destroy the entire star system.
Even with the aid of the brilliant Dr. Greta Singh and the stalwart Senesian Marshal Ph'ell on their side, the Warden and Quantum must first deal with the mercenary machinations of the planet's administrator if they hope to save Aegis Four, its thousands of workers, and their families.
Will greed overcome the greater good?
Will the Last Star Warden and Quantum have enough time and resources to save Aegis Four from the doom of the Phantom World?
Eight chapters of cliffhangers to tell a nail-biting story!
ONLY $1.99!
Begin the saga with
The Last Star Warden:
Tales of Adventure and Mystery
from Frontier Space, Volume I
A star devouring ship bears down on an unsuspecting colony, and only
the Last Star Warden and his alien companion, Quantum, can stop it!
An abandoned space station is terrorized by unearthly forces, and
the Last Star Warden and Quantum must stop them before they destroy the galaxy!
A frantic call for help leads the Warden and Quantum to a city of
debauchery and secrets where madness threatens to overtake them!
Held captive on the worst prison ship in the galaxy,
the Warden must find a way to escape before Quantum is killed!
An intended vacation plunges the Warden and Quantum into
the internecine warfare of corporate corruption!
Herein are five tales full of thrills and uncertainty that give us a fantastic new look at classic sci-fi pulp, complete with McCuiston's own illustrations.
If you're looking for stories reminiscent of the days when heroes of all kinds stood for justice and the common good,
you'll love this collection of adventures!
The mythos continues with
The Last Star Warden, Volume II:
The Un Quan Saga
The Ghost of the Frontier is lost in Uncharted Space!
A desperate battle with space pirates cuts the Last Star Warden off from Quantum,
the Ranger VII, and even the explored galaxy!
The Forbidden City of Un Quan​
Stranded on the deadly jungle world of Un Quan in an unfamiliar binary system,
the Warden finds himself embroiled in a generational war between two rival factions.
Though the primitive tribes each see themselves as unique, the Warden can't help but see their similarities. The answer to the mystery of this age-old rift as well as any hope of
returning to the Frontier lies in the Forbidden City, and the Warden must work with
the scions of the two tribes to find it.
The First Star Warden
Meanwhile the architect of the rogue bridge that facilitated the Warden's unexpected sojourn puts his plans of invasion into action. The Warden soon finds himself standing between his newfound friends on Un Quan and the man he most idolized in his youth. A man who has brought an army of cybernetically enhanced super soldiers to colonize the Bronze Age world.
The Fate of Un Quan
As diplomats from the United Planetary Council arrive on Un Quan to negotiate with the natives, a powerful force from Uncharted Space moves to intercede. Reunited with Quantum, the Warden must juggle political responsibilities with an apocalyptic interstellar threat while dealing with his own profound personal loss.
Action! Adventure! Mystery! Intrigue! Romance!
All to be found in this second volume of the Last Star Warden's daring tales!
About the Author

Jason J. McCuiston was born in the wilds of southeast Tennessee, where he was raised on a carnivorous diet of old monster movies, westerns, comic books, horror magazines, sci-fi and fantasy novels, and, of course, Dungeons & Dragons. Publishing his first story about zombies, kung fu, and family ties in Parsec Ink's 2017 Triangulation: Appetites anthology, Jason became a semi-finalist in the Writers of the Future contest and has studied under the tutelage of best-selling author Philip Athans. His stories of fantasy, horror, and science fiction (and even a few crime dramas) have appeared in numerous anthologies, periodicals, websites, and podcasts.
Jason lives in South Carolina, USA with his college-professor wife (making him a Doctor's Companion) and their two four-legged children, Winky and Tonks. Jason can be found on Facebook and Instagram.
Praise for Jason J. McCuiston's work
The Last Star Warden
"The Last Star Warden is about an actual hero... the titular Star Warden. The stories have everything that one could want in science fiction action/adventure. There's dastardly villains, shootouts, space battles, mysterious space stations, and an indomitable sense of right and wrong...
The Star Warden is a straightforward hero - no deconstruction, no metanarrative, no satirization. He's an unapologetic Good Guy.
He's a rarity in his world, and in this one as well..."
~ Carl R. Jennings, reviewer for Phantasmagoria Magazine and author of Just About Anyone
"The Last Star Warden is exactly what it looks like: a rollicking collection of space western stories. McCuiston delivers big with plenty of imagination and thrills. He pays homage to a western classic formula while injecting enough delightful alien weirdness to justify the intergalactic setting.
The Warden and Quantum are unashamedly heroic heroes doing what's right in an unforgiving universe. Highly recommended."
~ Bryce Beattie, Editor of StoryHack Action & Adventure and author of Swordcrossed Frostbite
"The Last Star Warden... finds himself displaced a hundred years into his future facing off against numerous foes and dangers he never dreamed possible: a derelict space station haunted by vengeful ghosts, a behemoth corporate-built machine that feasts on entire stars, and a merciless prison ship among them. Armed only with his twin Comet pistols and his former-enemy-turned-sidekick Quantum for backup, the Last Star Warden meets all with steely grace and nobility - and a rare and refreshing level of pure, pulpy fun. Jason McCuiston's excellent book of adventures reads like a time warp back to boyhood Saturdays where classic Science Fiction played all afternoon on UHF. A fantastic experience!"
~ Gregory L. Norris, author of the Gerry Anderson's Into Infinity novels by Anderson Entertainment
Project Notebook
"McCuiston's immersive debut imbues a first encounter tale with 1940s noir flavor as an elite team of WWII veterans looks into reports of strange lights in the skies over Washington State. McCuiston does not shy away from the trauma of WWII and uses the social complexities of America in the years leading up to the Cold War to inform the character dynamics. The high stakes and rich, atmospheric prose make for a thoroughly satisfying alternate history."
~ Publishers Weekly
Click here to read the full review
"In Project Notebook, author-to-watch Jason J. McCuiston has mined some long-standing UFO conspiracies, made them his own, then set a masterfully realized cast of complex characters on a wild ride through a flying saucer-haunted Seattle of the 1950s. Highly recommended!"
~ Philip Athans, New York Times Bestselling Author of Annihilation and the Fantasy Author's Handbook blog
"McCuiston has delivered a fast-paced and richly-textured debut novel; a noirish sci-fi fantasy mystery steeped in UFO lore and oozing post-WWII paranoia. Highly recommended."
~ Tom English, editor of Black Infinity Magazine
"Project Notebook transported me back to an overcast late summer day in 1977, when, looking up at the trees across our rural road, I saw something saucer-shaped and shadowy rotate through the mist for all of one second that has stayed with me since. Like the memory, McCuiston delivers an unforgettable page-turner. Moody, gorgeously written, Notebook reads like a dark dream and deserves a place on every bookshelf."
~ Gregory L. Norris, author of the Gerry Anderson's Into Infinity novels by Anderson Entertainment
"There's an emotional core to proceedings - McCuiston knows his characters and cares about them... Jason J. McCuiston is an author of exceptional talent..."
~ Trevor Kennedy, editor of Phantasmagoria Magazine