The Last Star Warden
The Crimson Star Saga Episodes
Written and Illustrated by
Jason J. McCuiston
Sci-fi pulp at it's finest!
Only on Kindle
These stories are appropriate for ages 10 and up.

The Last Star Warden and his intrepid alien companion Quantum are constantly battle crime and injustice on strange worlds across the Galactic Frontier. From starship battles to corporate disasters, from rescuing imperiled colonies to battling alien conquerors, these stalwart heroes traverse across the stars to solve mysteries, vanquish evil, and protect the good of the galaxy.
You'll love these sci-fi pulpy yarns written and illustrated by McCuiston. They're just the ticket for those who enjoy episodic and anthology-type stories full of epic adventure.
See below for the links to each episode!
About the Author

Jason J. McCuiston was born in the wilds of southeast Tennessee, where he was raised on a carnivorous diet of old monster movies, westerns, comic books, horror magazines, sci-fi and fantasy novels, and, of course, Dungeons & Dragons. Publishing his first story about zombies, kung fu, and family ties in Parsec Ink's 2017 Triangulation: Appetites anthology, Jason became a semi-finalist in the Writers of the Future contest and has studied under the tutelage of best-selling author Philip Athans. His stories of fantasy, horror, and science fiction (and even a few crime dramas) have appeared in numerous anthologies, periodicals, websites, and podcasts.
His Last Star Warden series is being published by Dark Owl Publishing. His entire body of work can be found on Amazon.
Jason lives in South Carolina, USA with his college-professor wife (making him a Doctor's Companion) and their two four-legged girls, Winky and Tonks. Connect with him on Twitter/X @JasonJMcCuiston.